CME is shaking up the world of marketing automation. Rather than trying to make marketer's lives easier, we're trying to make their customer's lives better. We've largely stayed away from the press, preferring to change the world one company at a time.
Our founders came from a background of helping big clients execute complex loyalty programs. We observed that building strong customer relationships is really hard, taking months to build up trust. However, the rewards from effective customer communication are huge
One day as we were hand-crafting a complex customer journey we realized that there's no good reason for it to be this hard. It was hard to be customer centric because all of the marketing tools had evolved either out of campaign delivery and so fundamentally concentrate on getting a message out rather than listening.
We instead started with customer sentiment tracking and monitoring of customer satisfaction. From this we were able to identify areas in which the company was failing different customer segments and we extended our offering so that the marketer could immediately act, responding to those customers who had a problem with a relevant message.
Some of the things we believe are:
Does this particular customer want an email about your latest product launch? Or would they rather it summarised in a monthly newsletter? What channel would they like to hear from you from? By constantly keeping these questions in mind and continuously reviewing through customer feedback you will get a feel for how your customer segments like to hear from you.
Consider this very common scenario: A very common concern is that a key stakeholder (e.g. a product manager) really wants to get a message out to everyone. They say that some customer groups probably won't be interested but the company can't afford to out on any sales and a few you think are uninterested will actually buy. The product manager is right – a typical scenario would be a global purchase rate of 2% which coupled with a good predictive model means your least interested customers would still purchase 0.4% of the time – not contacting them will cost you half a percent of sales.
Our answer is simple. Your relationship with the customer is worth a certain amount of money to your company. Tools for estimating this value are well established and built into CME. Sending a weak message will increase sales by 0.5% but it will damage your reputation with 99.5% of customers. If you can quantify the reputational damage then you can judge whether or not the message should be sent.
We believe that your actions, or lack of action, ar e the only thing that customers judge you on. Consider the following facts and insights that you may as well have never heard:
We believe that the value of an insight is the value of the action you make based on it. This is why we've concentrated on making all of CME, including the statistical modelling features, accessible to marketers and why we've concentrated so heavily on integrating listening into the system.
So your campaign got an open rate of 23% and a CTR of 2%. Is that good? We believe that every single number we present should be given in context. Is it higher or lower than expected? Is it tracking up or down? How does it compare to your target?
We find we work best with people that share a similar vision. If what we've described sounds like you then get in touch!